Sunday, January 24, 2010

A really long 10 days.....

She did this a lot
like all the time

And slept a lot.....after a couple of rough nights

Was just, in general, in a really really really BAD mood!
My poor baby had her tonsils and adenoids out and her ears re-tubed.
It was a long day and an even longer recovery....she felt bad all the time and couldn't take the "milk of the gods" Tylenol with codeine...because it made her crazy..not a little off, like off her rocker crazy, all hyped up and just crazy!!! She went through bottles and bottles of Tylenol and Motrin, her poor little liver!

1 comment:

Kyle and Matt Still said...

She def looks drugged up in that one picture! Poor thing. You said it was bad but I had no idea...