Friday, February 22, 2008

Fun Facts

So i am totally ripping off Brittney's idea...........she won't care! Here we go!
1) Who is your man-David Franklin Jones
2) How long have you been together-started dating Dec. 99, married Dec. 02 (can anyone say child bride)
3) How long did y'all date-3 years??
3) How old is your man-27 years old
4) Who eats more- David eats more at one sitting, but i can defiantly hold my own by eating ALL day!! This drives David insane because an hour after we eat I am hungry again!!
5) Who is taller- David, but I'm not sure by how much!
6) Who sings better- Poor Causey neither of us can, but I was at least in Honor Choir at First Pres. (its a claim to fame!)
7) Who is smarter- Well, well........I'm going with David, he is after all a "doctor" BUT, the boy has little to no common sense and can not walk and chew gum to save his life! Luckily they will, one day pay him for his brain and not his gum chewing ability!!
8) Whose temper is worse- MINE, the pumpkin throwing of 2002 needs no explanation!
9) Who does the laundry- me, all day, every day
10) Who takes out the trash- 50/50 for sure
11) Who sleeps on the right side of the bed-David, that way the killer will get him first! A lot of thought went into this
12) Who pays the bills- David!! There is a lot of juggling going on
13) Who is better with the computer- David again, i didn't have email till Causey was born
14) Who cuts the grass- Uuumm, David, i don't even know where the lawn mower is
15) Who cooks dinner- Me, each and every night, except for frozen pizza night, David puts his own pizza in the oven
16) Who drives-David (unless he pulls the "I have to read" crap) What else are men good for?
17) Who pays when you go out-David, he is the only one with any money, but we have always had one account. I think it makes you work things out and be accountable to each other
18) Who is the most stubborn- a big fat- ME
19) Who admits when they are wrong first- David, I am great with the silent treatment!!
20) Whose parents do you see most- mine, David ships us off to them when we run out of money, we see them a good bit
21) Who kissed who first- David of course, how could he resist
22) Who proposed- David
23) Who has more friends- ME, always have, always will. He might be the brains, but I'm the social one!!

We have a .......................MOLAR?!?

So little Causey, might not crawl properly, but she has a back molar!! Crazy! My mom told me i was crazy and that she wouldnt get those back teeth till she was 2!!! Well yesterday, i got a full shot of it, when she was crying as i put her in the car!! Steak for dinner, Causey?? She'll have to wait till we get to Jackson, so my parents can pay for it!!
She is going for the dog bowls, gotta go!!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Dog toy! SCORE!

So now that Causey can move (notice i say move, not "crawl"!) She loves to find
1) Maizey
2) Maizey's toys
3) Maizey's bone
She also tries to open mouth kiss the dog, if she can get close enough! I'm not a big fan of this, considering Maizey spends the majority of the day licking her unmentionables! Oh, and the other day she had a mouth full of dog food! Granted Daddy was cooking my omlet and didnt know he was suppose to be watching our little inch worm!!
Why was i so ready for her to crawl!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Baby for Hire!

With Causey doing a very effective inchworm/army crawl, I am going to lease her out to clean floors! She dusts the floor with her entire body, and will pick up and hand you any small peices of leaves, twigs or small chokeable objects!! She really is coming in handy!! So if your children are afraid of the vacum, let me know and i will bring Causey over!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!!

I am always thankful each Valentine's Day for David, you have no idea what the poor boy goes through, dealing with me! Here are some fun facts David has pointed out recently that i believe makes him love me all the more!!
1. I have to cross my toes each night before i go to sleep, and they stay crossed until i actually go to sleep
2. I sleep on my stomach and nothing can touch my arm. This results in many "your touching my arm........."
3. I have no delayed gratification. None, what so ever! (Granted 10 years of schooling on David's part, post college is getting the lession through, loud and clear!
4. I am so ADD, this drives David insane!! I just go from one thing to the next at warp speed!
5. I need a lot of "alone" time, which makes David call me a cat. He would prefer to sit in the same chair as me, and i would like nothing more than to get in bed at 6pm and be left alone!
6. I am obsessed with my family and would happily make the trip to Jackson every weekend, if i could!
7. I am kinda psycho about wanting another baby and ask almost everyday if we can. (he has threatened to have TLC taken off our cable package, if i dont stop watching a Baby Story!
8. One time i threw a pumkin (small one) at his head in a fight! He ducked!
9. I dont turn his shirts right side out when i fold them. (if you took them off properly this wouldnt be an issue)
10. And i cant listen to him talk on the phone to nurses while giving orders, cause i laugh too hard. (Its just hard for me to believe, he is someones doctor!)
So with all that said, I love my husband and can not picture my life with out him in it. He is the one i want with me through it all! Half way there, Dr. Jones! Happy Valentine's Day!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008!

It has been so cold here and she was all out of footie pj's that she got to wear shoes!! She thought it was fabulous! Considering she doesnt even really crawl, shoes havent been around much!!

Laundry Day!

Does anyone else feel like all they do is wash clothes!! I swear, it is all that i do, how can three people go through that many clothes!!

There's a storm a comin

So last Tuesday there were tornados all over the place. For a while the news said it was coming straigh for Midtown! David made fun of me but i had blankets, pillows, diapers and formula in the hall! We all got on the bed and watched the news, the sirens were going off and everything! Good thing Kelli D. wasnt here!! Anyway at the last minute it headed east and destroyed a mall and many homes!! Causey thought it was great though, all of us on the bed!!

So sweet

This is how Causey sleeps, she doesnt ever actually turn over!

Then when she wakes up, she gathers all her little "friends" and talks to them!

Favorite new game

Causey loves to hand me things! She just sits there with her little hand out, like, here this is for you! She hands me things all day!

The most important meal of the day

Oatmeal anyone?

Her favortie spot in the house

There was a reason this highchair was only $12.00, its awful! But it will have to do!
More? Yes, please!

Lip gloss makes everyone feel better

My mom let Causey wear lipgloss in the hospital, this is also how Causey gives kisses-mouth open, toungue out!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Last Sunday

"I have had a rough morning, people to feed me, bathe me, dress me......."

Clap if you love being Baptist!!

At last.............

I know this isnt much fun, but its the only new picture i have. This is one of the dresses my mom got Causey for Christmas! She has been wearing the same three Peices by Cam dresses since she was 3 months old!! They just keep on fitting, I love them!! And yes there is a bonnet, it just wasnt on her yet! The lady at church calls her the "bonnet baby"!! My dad watches her while mom and I finish getting dressed and they always have a little photo session!