1. I have to cross my toes each night before i go to sleep, and they stay crossed until i actually go to sleep
2. I sleep on my stomach and nothing can touch my arm. This results in many "your touching my arm........."
3. I have no delayed gratification. None, what so ever! (Granted 10 years of schooling on David's part, post college is getting the lession through, loud and clear!
4. I am so ADD, this drives David insane!! I just go from one thing to the next at warp speed!
5. I need a lot of "alone" time, which makes David call me a cat. He would prefer to sit in the same chair as me, and i would like nothing more than to get in bed at 6pm and be left alone!
6. I am obsessed with my family and would happily make the trip to Jackson every weekend, if i could!
7. I am kinda psycho about wanting another baby and ask almost everyday if we can. (he has threatened to have TLC taken off our cable package, if i dont stop watching a Baby Story!
8. One time i threw a pumkin (small one) at his head in a fight! He ducked!
9. I dont turn his shirts right side out when i fold them. (if you took them off properly this wouldnt be an issue)
10. And i cant listen to him talk on the phone to nurses while giving orders, cause i laugh too hard. (Its just hard for me to believe, he is someones doctor!)
So with all that said, I love my husband and can not picture my life with out him in it. He is the one i want with me through it all! Half way there, Dr. Jones! Happy Valentine's Day!!
1 comment:
i LOVE all of the new posts and pictures! she is such a pretty little girl and growing up too fast!
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