Sunday, July 1, 2007

The Bumbo!!

Chris got us this in Gulfport! How cute! She looks so little in it!


LT (and Max) said...

precious! kristen LOVES that thing (is it called a "bumby" or something?)

causey really is SO TINY!! :)

LT (and Max) said...

hmmm..yeah, i'm pretty stupid. the title of your post is "the bumbo".

my previous question is answered. :)

Katie said...

How cute! You need to bring her to Halls. Mary Hellen can pack a few pounds on her!

Jenny said...

so cute! we love the bumbo seats...although crew's fat thighs no longer will allow him to sit in his. bummer. send causey on over. we'll put her on crew's diet.:) still cute as ever!

The Benjamins said...

I can't wait till we are old enough for the Bumbo.
Causey is so cute and little!